Saturday 26 March 2011

Qualitative Research Script

Qualitative research
For this, I got a group of 3 people to look over my three products and evaluate them accordingly and asked them questions about what they thought of my product.

For my first artefact, my newspaper, did you think I managed to attract my target audience?
Person 1: I believe that, with your stories, you did manage to attract your audience. The person with your first story would have been able to be related to because she was of a similar age to your target audience. Also, your editorial did manage to attract the right audience due to its opinions, which would stereotypically be similar to that of your target audience. However, I believe that the layout of your design was too simple and, even though middle aged women do not find illustrations as interesting as younger audiences, it would have been good to see less white space that could be filled with pictures.
Person 2: The colours that have been used within this artefact are too bland and un-interesting to any audience. Black and white is too simple and does not draw an audience in. However, I do like the title of the newspaper itself as well as the font. They seem to be very well thought out, as well as the articles that have been written. The third article about the schools would definitely attract middle aged women as most of them will have children themselves and can very much relate to why so many people would be angry about it.
Person 3: Whilst I believe that your stories do attract your target audience efficiently and your titles are eye-catching, the layout of the piece is not typical of other newspapers of its kind. Had there have been an advert at the top of the first page or maybe a weather section on the second page it would have been much more similar, however you have used the second page for an editorial. Despite this, I do think the editorial is the best piece of the newspaper.

My second artefact was my poster. Would this have attracted you to read my newspaper if you saw it?
Person 1: Not upon first sight. Without the use of colour there is no interest to the poster and therefore makes it very bland. However, when looking at it, the idea of evolving is very clever and very eye-catching, but it would have been more eye-catching if there had been some colour to it.
Person 2: I, too, believe that there should have been at least one other colour. However, when you look at the poster you know immediately what you’re looking at if you know what the poster is advertising. It is not known immediately that it is a poster for a newspaper unless you understand the message the picture is giving to you.
Person 3: I was initially confused by what the poster was selling at first, until I looked at it properly and realised what it was for. If the picture was more clear I may have understood what it was advertising, however when it was explained to me I understood it and thought it was very clever.

Finally, on my final artefact, would you have visited the website again, and did you think that it attracted the right audience?
Person 1: It was very simple to use and, unlike the second artefact, it had more colour nd style to it. I would have liked to see another page with an article on, instead of travel news and weather news, because I can go to other websites and use that instead. However, I can see why it was done and I think that it would attract the right audience.
Person 2: I believe that there were some definite points to the website that would attract the right audience. With the recession at the moment it is good that you placed a job list option onto the website to appeal to the local community. Also, the idea of putting the latest weather news is also good however, when you are sat at home, I don’t believe you need to know what is happening on the road, so I did not see the point in that. However, it was good to see another colour being used to make the website look more interesting.
Person 3: The website was very easy to use and it was easy to see what audience you were trying to attract. The use of a job list was very clever to use and it is very good that news from the paper was also used on the website. However, I did not see the need for signing up for the website, because any updates that happen will come in the newspaper anyway.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Final Website

I changed the format completely for this website and I made more pages in order to fit more onto the page. Instead of the normal 2 hyperlinks, this website has six to provide more information.

Final Newspaper

Although there were not many edits to this newspaper in comparison to my first draft the ideology used is increased greatly and the photos on the side of the first page has also been edited. As well as this, an extra story has been placed at the bottom to take up more space on the page. 

Final Poster

After editing my last poster (see December 2010) I edited the flaws of the last poster by creating my own picture and editing the slogan of the piece. Also, because I changed the font on the newspaper, I also changed it on the poster to keep the link between the three texts.